get involved in making videos for young people

Can you help us make some videos to help other young people with IBD?

We are looking for young people, aged between approximately 11 and 21, to help us develop new videos to help young patients!

The series of videos will be aimed at other people the same age with IBD and will explain the facts about having Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis in a simple and down to earth way.

It doesn't matter where you live as we want to film and involve young people from all across the UK.

You can get involved with whatever most interests you, from helping plan the content and style of the videos, to telling your own story and being filmed, to helping us promote them.

Fill in our quick form to find out more, and we will be in touch!

tick all that apply

Please note that anyone under 18 will need permission of your parent or guardian to take part.