Trained office staff and teachers helped my son through a period of steroids and naso/gastric tube feeding when he was in reception
During the school day, the school has a duty to take sole care of a child or young person and their medical needs and to administer medication. Some young people at secondary school will be competent to manage their medication; if so, this will be set out in their healthcare plan.
Some pupils have a liquid nutritional feed, which needs to be kept refrigerated. Children should be able to have their feed with their peers at lunchtime. Children may also need access to water and snacks during the day and have the option to take a rest break.
Children on certain medications will need to use sunscreen and wear hats out of doors and this should be accommodated within uniform policy.
If children are on immune-suppressing medication or steroids and have significant contact (play or direct contact for at least 15 minutes) with chicken pox or measles (without being immune) they may need protective antibody treatment so should be removed immediately from the class if a case is suspected in another child.
Parents should also be informed promptly of outbreaks of infectious diseases (such as winter flu and stomach bugs) so that children can be kept at home.
Children on steroids can experience changes in mood and behaviour.
New treatments are emerging for IBD, so schools should ask parents about their child’s treatment and any side effects that may need to be taken into consideration. If a pupil has a healthcare plan, this can be included in the annual review.